According to John’s Book of Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6, G-D, Creator of Life on Planet Earth, Soul Donor to Mankind, sent H-S Spirit to dwell among us seven times, the SAME Spirit Seven-fold, the last being in the body of a Jewish male named Yeshua, called Jesus in English. We can only surmise the identities of the first six, but surely HE/SHE instructed ancient people of many nations as the Great Father-Mother from the Heavens above, giving us the teachings of Gautama Buddha and Tao, the Way, even as we often describe Messiah Yeshua. Most fascinating are the “virgin birth” and “Messiah” stories found in Egyptian, Chinese, Aztec and some other mythical narratives, but our G-D is the SAME- yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Messiah Yeshua, the Last ONE of G-D’s Spirit sent to live among us, proved Three in ONE – being Father/Creator, Son/Human and Holy Ghost of the Son, the latter represented in our world today, a Spirit Who enters our hearts as we ask, as we allow – offering true Christ Consciousness. Yet does the Spirit of Anti-Christ (1 John 2:18,22; 4:3) also live in each of us, even as we choose, and although rebellious indiscretions easily seduce us, we eventually learn to discern good from the ever-present evil, that which is psychologically healthy, bringing happiness, from that which proves toxic, inciting misery.

For thousands of years, G-D promised Meshiakh to the Children of AvRaham, notably through Isa’ak and Ya’akhov (Jacob), and the bloodlines for Semitic male DNA were set apart, enhanced by a single strand of First Wo-Man DNA through fe-male descendants of Lot, Leban, Esau, and Ishma’el (also all Semitic) to be included in Yeshua’s holy lineage. Even as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so was the Son of Man lifted up, to transform into an instrument of life-saving works, also as a Light to the Gentiles, the origin of Christianity.

Born to a virgin in the City of David, Beit Lekhem, but raised in Nazret, he grew in strength and wisdom, but nothing is known of his childhood except as told by the Great Prophet Muhammad in his Qu’ran. Muhammad wrote that Yeshua spoke from the crib, and that, as a child, he molded a bird from clay, then breathed on it so that it flew away. G-D’s Presence in Yeshua was revealed when he was 12 in Jerusalem’s Second Temple at his self-proclaimed Bar Mitzvah (Luke 2:41-51). B’rit Hadashah (New Testament) does not mention him again until he was 29 years old, when he returned for full ministry with miracles not seen since the days of Moses.

Tenakh (Old Testament) prophets spoke of him, but each was ostracized during time on Earth, only later seen as speaking G-D’s Truth. Yeshua was the same as his countrymen, physically indistinguishable from them, not handsome as many have portrayed him (Isaiah 53:26), but he was filled with the greatest love Mankind has ever known. He brought forth the treasures of Torah, love for G-D and for one’s fellow Human Beings, and the people knew he was Meshiakh.

The words he spoke are spoken worldwide, not only in Christianity, but in all of Earth’s godly religions, even by pagans, and his actions were an example for all who seek to live by his words. He taught as no man taught, with authority, filled with empathy and kindness for everyone he encountered, treating every person as a beloved brother or sister. Yeshua healed the sick, drove out demons, who were not allowed to speak, for they knew his identity, and he even raised the dead to life again, proving G-D’s Power within him. People who touched him felt his healing, positive Energy flow into them, and the greatest of these is unconditional love.

He refused no one a request, even though prejudice ran rampant through Jewish society, mostly against Gentiles, not in physical appearance except for rich or poor. He judged no one except his own hypocritical clergy, and today we’re tempted to do the same, for many who call themselves Christians are far from Christ-like, spouting words of bigotry and revenge, causing us to fear, and seeking to separate us by any means possible, using man-made labels or perceived “undesirable” images. Yet Yeshua asked that we avoid judgement of all other persons, accepting everyone as a beloved brother or sister, and be quick to forgive, seventy times seven, seeking resolution of any conflict.

First and foremost, a life of service is instructed, for, after loving G-D and having no other gods before H-M (Hannah-Michael), the remaining seven of the Great Commandments (Exodus 20:3-17) involve our treatment of other people, any other one person, the least of those around us. Messiah Yeshua summed it up: Treat others the way we wish to be treated, agree in justice, and love our enemies, even doing good to those who seek to harm us.

Harmlessness appears to be a common thread among Earth’s greatest religions, and Messiah Yeshua is embodiment of that concept. In Far Eastern theologies where reincarnation is a primary belief, particularly Buddhism and Hinduism, it’s a sin to harm animals or plants beyond their purpose in life. It’s significant that Native Americans ritually honored the Souls of the animals they killed and utilized every part of the creature with respect for everything having a purpose.

The virtues of Goodness are endless: kindness; empathy; compassion; generosity; forgiveness; charity with no underlying, selfish motive; a willingness to make life better for others – everyone – with no discrimination; a desire to serve others, each of us as to our own unique Gifts and abilities. Even so must we resist the Evil Aura of Anti-Christ, which has existed since Mankind began, and become consciously aware of the little deceptions invading our lives, that which is spiteful, vengeful, or greedy. Ostentation is rooted in false Self which finds strength in disparaging others, while humility becomes G-D Self, the Greater Power that saves Souls. Even so was our Messiah perfect during his time on Earth, and we are far from it, but any future Judgement is based totally upon our relations with others.

Yeshua was a Jew who lived a complete Hebrew lifestyle, his mind filled with Tenakh (Torah, the Prophets, and the Songs), wherein, he remarked, contained the answers to all questions of Life. The people of Palestine 2000 years ago knew that he was the Promised One, for no one could do the things he did or speak the way he spoke, but he was a poor transient. He was critical of the habits of the rabbis, and warned people to listen to their words but avoid behaving like them. He fulfilled all prophecies of his blood ancestor King David and the Great Prophet Isaiah, then was put to death in the most disgraceful manner possible – nailed onto wood.

Yet he conquered death in quiet Resurrection of the Soul by defeating the Adversary in the midst of Hades, preaching Salvation to those trapped in the Hidden Well of Souls (Psalm 104:9; 1 Peter 3:19-4:6), and he returned to a body renewed, with a promise of hope for our own resurrection. In John 12:47-48, Yeshua said that there would be many who didn’t believe in him as Messiah, but there would be a WORD of G-D to judge them. Therefore, through the Seven Spirits of G-D we understand that if unbelievers live by his words, his messages, and his examples for daily life, they, too, may achieve Eternal Ecstasy, for there is ONE WORD, ONE G-D, Holy Spirit seven-fold, Alpha to Omega.