The disparate class system in America was inherited from our patriarchal European and Asian ancestors, but we became progressively “open-minded” during the last twelve decades, with liberal rights for women and “colored” people, and the Sexual Revolution slowly evolves towards equity. Yet even today our divisions remain apparent, blatant, with gender, religious and racial prejudices, along with hatred for political rivals, slapping us in our faces through diverse forms of technology. The causes of this inequity settle solidly on money, popularity and its accompanying fame, higher education, position or level of authority, and both Republican and Democratic Party propaganda that can fill every moment of our lives from various sources as we choose to expose ourselves. Media’s moderators are increasingly opinionated, and many with their own shows, whether through a major network or minor podcast, have no journalism training and no desire to simply report the facts of the news.

We attempted to solve one big problem of access to better education by funding charter schools offering alternatives and specializations for high school, and for colleges with Pell grants and affirmative action policies, but many with less compassion cried “foul” and protested equal civil rights of minorities and the poor among us. Politically speaking, Democrats supported the former while Republicans were guilty of the latter, choosing instead to pad the pockets of the rich and deny a strong Federal Union, far from the original ideal of our first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln. Democrats want to take our tax money a step further to guarantee every child in America free breakfasts and lunches while at school or at a secure location. We would spend our tax money to insure our children’s well-being, nurturing Mankind’s innate devotion to service, reinforcing an Aura to care for one another, for charity is LOVE, and such a program surely would create many Civil Service jobs. For years now, the State of New Mexico provides free breakfasts and lunches for all K-12 students in the state, thanks to Democrats.

The Republican practice of “trickle-down” Reaganomics nearly decimated the American economy, and under Democrats numbers have reached in or near “the black” to balance our national budget. When Bill Clinton left office in January of 2001, the US Budget had a surplus, and Hillary likely may have done the same by 2025. In the 1980’s Republicans discredited labor unions and dissolved profit-sharing programs and market-share matching that benefited workers, then also legislated loop-holes to avoid taxes for corporations and the wealthy, creating a vacuum that threatened stock market failures like the crisis Obama inherited from Bush in 2009. Complications from the 2020-22 Covid-19 Pandemic created economic problems worldwide, slowing both production and distribution of necessary products, and businesses who suffered most — the oil industry, vehicle manufacturing, household furnishings and luxury items — were quick to raise prices in order to recoup profit losses. Internet service exploded, and new jobs in transportation/delivery and finance were born.

I’ve voted for Republicans at local and state levels because I knew them or their philosophies, and eventually started thinking of myself as a Liberal-leaning Moderate Democrat who was considering Independent status. I’ve a tendency to look at both sides of an issue, often playing “devil’s advocate,” also likely due to my personality having several Astrological planetary Libra influences for balancing the scales of thought. But as a 25-year Law Enforcement officer, 23 of those in Probation/Parole, I saw firsthand that it was only Republicans who cut funds for addiction and mental health programs, often closing them down completely, opting instead to build more prisons, many run by corporations some politicians then invested in. Private prisons proved to be more expensive, for they were profit-making institutions like insurance companies which control our driving, health and home life. I knew that for over 100 years, Republicans fought social issues and created tax laws to boost the benefits of the rich, but events since 2016 made me reconsider, so I’m a Strong Democrat once again.

Republicans who’re still Maganuts should know that there are many “born-again” Christians like myself who see no Christ-like qualities in POTUS 45, who preens his Ego and shamelessly places himself as superior to others while seething in revenge against his enemies, his rantings pridefully touting himself and slandering his opponents. (Hello – Jesus loved Pilate, also everyone involved in his conviction and death, and he forgave them all.) POTUS 45 practices mob-style vengeance, using sarcastic name-calling to insult people, bullying those who ask him to be accountable for his misdeeds, being a compulsive “cheater” in all ways, even golf, with no conscience and remorse, projecting his own labels upon his enemies, and creating an atmosphere that stirs up rage for injustice but gives no viable solution. His own sister called him a clown, and to the KKK he’s a hero. His selfish lust for power makes him talk about revolution and assassinations, for he aspires to be like his good friend, that former KGB officer, a real Stalinist dictator of a Neo-Soviet regime who wants to dominate the world. Therefore, continuing to support POTUS 45 amid his deceits and corruptions made manifest in many Civil and Criminal Court cases further unravels the Grand Old Party of Conservatism and betrays Lincoln’s belief that every state be united in racial equality.

Building a firm economic foundation by helping those less fortunate who’re unable to work or to provide some service for others; insuring all Americans a viable income that allows us to live relatively comfortable, satisfying lives while encouraging us to thrive in abundance; strengthening unions and fair labor laws; rewarding businesses that contribute to profit-sharing programs and stock options for employees; supporting farmers, ranchers and other suppliers of basic needs; finding avenues for immigrants to obtain American citizenship so they can support themselves and their families, also to pay taxes; increasing free quality healthcare; enacting strict but fair tax laws for corporations and high-wage earners while benefiting private free enterprise — these are values of the Democratic Party that will guide future generations into responsible legislation, by and for the people, so vote, recognizing those who prove trustworthy. (Personal note: My mother, who passed over in 2008 at age 87, thought Joe Biden was one of the most honest politicians in Washington, that she would vote for him as President.)

Today’s average American has bloodlines of several nations, and perhaps for this reason Human Beings worldwide are technologically and psychologically hybrid, more intelligent and socially conscious than in past generations, with innovations resulting in expanding Media that provides information about local, national and international news, making communications with others more important, sharing and comparing our histories and our goals. Yet immigrants surround us, causing “Fear of the unknown” to people who were just getting used to having Muslim neighbors or attending an Hispanic wedding. Christians from Anti-Semitic cultures live in fear of rebuke and retribution if they harbor love for everyone we encounter, as Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) asks us to do. May we be blessed enough to attend a friend’s son’s bar mitzvah, to celebrate revelation of G-D’s Knowledge in Torah as Yeshua did when he was twelve. We’re reminded that each of us came from immigrants unless we’re full-blooded Native American, and only a few today are pure aboriginal. But that was long ago, and in each successive generation we establish ourselves as guides and protectors for the future of our own families while taking pride in our ancestors’ traditions. Therefore we must “treat others as we wish to be treated,” respecting and honoring the heritages of our extended families, friends and neighbors.

Better immigration laws are needed, but Democrats and Republicans disagree on details of documentation, supervision and future eligibility for citizenship. Most immigrants came here because the economy or political environment in their own country was harsh for them, and they traveled to “the land of the free” for better opportunities for themselves and their children, usually paying all they had to move safely through. The Immigration and Naturalization Service, INS, was divided into three agencies in 2003, the more active force named ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Those who fail to register with Border authorities are nonetheless easily employed, even at Mara Lago, but are paid in cash “under the table,” tax-free, and if they’re arrested for a crime, they should be held and deported immediately upon adjudication. Leaders of the recent Republican Administration had no consideration for care and invited an Evil Aura to spread throughout society that lacked a conscience for injustice such as the practice that separated children from their parents. Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist and other religious writings and beliefs order that we give sanctuary to all who come among us, then offer ourselves in service to them.

While G-D’s Positive Energy cares for us, Negative Forces seek to hurt us, regardless of political affiliation, and we’ve seen how politicians trick us into believing their lies and deceptions that are manipulations of their own Egos. Yet the Spirit of Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) reveals that while violent chaos found in righteous anger against Injustice often is justified, due process of law is necessary to ensure integrity. We must guarantee trust in Law Enforcement by revealing misconduct and having faith in our Criminal and Civil Justice Systems to maintain democracy. The first thing Fascists do is silence opposing Media while promoting rumors of institutional malfunctions, truth and lies being circulated in order for people to lose faith in our democratic Republic. America’s salvation is found in our First Amendment right for journalistic freedom, identifying and balancing responsibility and accountability, and in the privilege for all eligible citizens to vote as we choose.

…for they are to be [treated] no different from the native-born…You are to give the foreigner an inheritance of the territory of the tribe among whom he is living… Ezekiel 47:22b-23a

If a foreigner stays with you in your land, don’t do him wrong… Rather, treat the foreigner staying with you like the native-born among you. You are to love him as yourself, for you were foreigners in the land… Leviticus 19:33-34