When I wrote Parts 1 and 2, I had no plans to write a third section to discuss partisan politics, particularly POTUS 45, whose very name gives me the dt’s (pun intended). Don’t get me wrong — My honest to goodness Truth is that I supported him as President from his first day in office, even though I believed the women he’d molested, the victims of his rental evictions and real estate scams, and those who witnessed his constant cheating, especially at golf. I knew plenty of men like him with his misogynistic, immoral personality, but I prayed that he would make a good President. Yet his daily prevarications continued to mount, and he blatantly, sarcastically ostracized people who complained about him. His Ego-Self shouted “Love me!” in obvious narcissism, and he consistently exhibited violence, whether for show by the wrestling ring or on the sidelines of his rallies, ordering his minions that hecklers and people who questioned him should be beat up and thrown out. (Where was Free Speech then?)

Even though Republican and Democrat are the top two political parties, there are dozens of others who offered candidates for President throughout the years, most recently Libertarian, Green Party, and now, We The People. In the past parties labeled Progressive, Nationalist, Socialist, and Communist have also attempted to be relevant in our political system, all to no avail. Did you know that the 2016 election wasn’t the first time dt ran for President? Even though he previously supported the Democrats because they were in power and reportedly believed in abortion, he campaigned for President in 2000 with the Reform Party, who chose Pat Buchanan as its candidate.

For a long time we ignored much of what people said about POTUS 45, for he was too admired, even beloved, from his famous “Apprentice” days, and reports by the dozens he’d cheated or molested didn’t seem to matter any more, even the slanderous name-calling and projections of his own sins upon others. We turned away, but as the years of his Administration passed, more and more people began to tell us of his lack of honesty, especially those fired or simply abandoning their positions. They were quick to describe his behavior and true nature (bomb who?) and at the end of those four years a very large percentage of Cabinet members and their employees had resigned, no longer loyal to him. Micro-manager extraordinaire, no one’s opinion mattered except his own.

Everyone’s corrupt except him, and anyone who doesn’t support him will be bullied by his rhetoric and/or his disciples. Everybody’s against him, he says, and he’s the true victim, playing on our fears and saying that America will be lost without his control (a bloodbath). Everyone — judges, prosecutors, Grand Jury and regular jury members — hates him, and for everything they’ve accused him, he claims he’s innocent. Every charge against him is the result of a witch hunt, a hoax, but not even his worst enemies hate him that much as to see him in prison for the rest of his life, which is what he’s now facing, not because his enemies are “out to get” him, but because of his own unethical or criminal misbehavior.

POTUS 45 is a Master of Denial and Deflection, projecting his own labels upon others because he thinks people are as corrupt as he is. If he’s going down, he’s taking everyone with him, and he encourages his henchmen-women to threaten and harass public and private individuals, making them fear for their lives or well-being, even for their families, often black-mailing those who may turn against him — Mafioso tactics, old style. Poll officials quit by the thousands after the 2020 election, and recruiting new workers involves safety and security training due to possible intimidation by gung-ho Right Wing Extremists. We of sound mind from all political parties should be grateful to Maganuts for the fiasco-recount in Arizona in 2021, proving there was no voter fraud, but that Biden had more votes than originally reported. Dissolution of Truth goes far beyond one man, being symptom, not cause, of an anxious, confused society that feels on the edge of destruction, but G-D reveals in various ways, opening the eyes of those unwilling to see that this man waving the Bible couldn’t tell you much about what’s inside. (Two Corinthians?)

For centuries immigrants entered our workforce illegally, contributing to the system without paying taxes or receiving any benefits, and a few were even deported from Mara Lago in 2017 after the feds moved in. We realize that there’s been negligence in supervision of those who have registered, and it’s taken years for many cases to be heard in the courts. Registering illegal immigrants and supervising those who are registered only requires more employees as Border Patrol and Civil Service agents. We need officers to monitor these clients, process any displaced or unregistered person, enable immigrants to work and pay income taxes, guiding them towards citizenship, and there’s also a need for more Judges to reduce the “wait time” for hearings and to justify legal deportations, especially for criminal behavior.

POTUS 45 recently sabotaged a comprehensive Immigration policy, a mainly Republican initiative agreed to by most Democrats, one that took compromise and made reasonable solutions. Our last Immigration law was passed by Congress in 1990, and since then negotiations invariably fell through for political reasons, not for the good of America. But this year Republicans and Democrats forged new immigration policy, agreeing to legislation that would fix many of the problems previously listed, also limiting the number of immigrants to be processed daily, but dt forbid Congressional Republicans from passing the bill, stating that he wanted Biden to look bad. dt also wanted Biden to look as corrupt as possible, and even promoted his own “witch hunt” against Hunter Biden through speculation and innuendo. But his people chose to ignore the millions (billions?) his own children made due to his name and position, some appearing to be “under-handed” dealings.

So many things have been ignored by Maganuts, such as the son of former Texas Governor and Cabinet Secretary Rick Perry working at Deutsche Bank when dt was getting exorbitant loans there. (Are any now in default, and how much money does he owe Putin and Xi?) With all the fact-checkers around, why isn’t anyone talking about the Civil case in US District Court, Southern District of New York Case #1-16-CV-04642 which charged dt and Jeffery Epstein with Rape, Sexual Misconduct, Criminal Sexual Acts, Sexual Abuse, Forcible Sexual Touching, Assault, Battery, Intentional and Reckless Infliction of Emotional Distress, Duress, False Imprisonment, and Defamation? (Summarized in unnumbered Essay “Where is Katy Johnson?”)

I’ve never believed in judging others, except that it was part of my career writing Pre-Sentence Reports on convicted felons so Judges could determine their sentences. We presented the narrative of the defendant we spoke with, also reporting what others said about him/her, and presented facts along with our evaluations, sometimes judging personality and motivation, most of us being qualified to do so. As Human Beings we base our judgement upon what we’ve been told and have learned from Life experiences, but Messiah Yeshua (Christ Jesus) tells us to judge no one. Jewish theology was ingrained in him, that which refuses to judge without good cause, with others’ consensus, and he cautioned us that we’ll be judged in the same manner as we’ve judged others. I only pray that any unfair judgement of dt is forgiven, for he’s Human like me.

I have many close loved ones who remain Maganuts, and would tell them only one thing — Republicans and Democrats think alike in so many ways, more or less Conservative and Liberal, and should find ways to agree with each other. Our beliefs must not make us enemies of one other, indeed, no one should be thought of as an enemy. I worked in city or state government for 25 years and also heard the same from former federal employees, that we didn’t know whether our coworkers were Democrat or Republican, and we really didn’t care. But dt demands that not only is everyone who works for him a Republican but loyal to him personally, refusing what he calls Reagan Republicans. Hello — Reagan is a hero to most Republicans, as is John McCain, who dt ostracized as a prisoner of war because he didn’t like those who were captured, and he wondered why soldiers who died in war were honored — his own words.

I’m ready to call a truce and leave everything in G-D’s Hands, because “the Truth will set us free,” and things that are said and done behind closed doors will be revealed. The youth of our nation will demand it, and their changes will be ratified Amendments to our Constitution, for the good of all people living in the United States of America and Mankind worldwide. Of course, liberalism and conservatism will weigh themselves out to be balanced, so I think I’ve had my fill of politics and will concentrate on my initial purpose of these Essays — social and psychological issues as well as the Power, Honor and Glory of the ONE Who was sent to live among us on Planet Earth (Revelation 1:4; 3:1; 4:5; 5:6) for the seventh and last time, being Alpha to Omega the Holy Spirit of G-D, the Jew named Yeshua HaMashiakh (Jesus the Christ).